🫣 Do you feel scared? 🫣
About everything?
Every day?
In that case…
If you’re afraid of everything and/or every day… something is wrong.
Now think about what scares you…
Is it real or imaginary?
Do you feel threatened by something/someone?
Like almost everything in life, fear is neither good nor bad.
It just is.
But we need to have it “under control” ☝🏼
And we need to know where to take it.
As Paco Yuste, one of my teachers in the beautiful field of emotional intelligence, used to say,
Not in front, nor behind.
Because carrying it in front of us limits us, holds us back. It doesn’t let us move forward.
We shouldn’t carry it behind either because it pushes us to act without evaluating the consequences of our actions.
Once you understand that fear is like everything else, and that in moderation it’s neither good nor bad… your life will take a turn.
Yes, I know… it might seem like I’m exaggerating, but no… It’s as real as life itself.
Throughout my life, I’ve had an obsession with learning and progressing in all aspects, but especially in the emotional realm.
To survive some very tough moments, I’ve delved into every corner of my soul and tried to educate my emotions because I’m clear that they are decisive in achieving success in other areas of life. All of them.
Emotional education should be mandatory in schools.
Hopefully, one day it will be!
Throughout our lives, emotions will either limit us or propel us… just like fears.
I don’t know if you’ve ever thought about fear this way.
And I don’t know if you’ve explored the realm of emotional education.
I would like to know what you think about it!
I believe that each person is unique.
We are all unique and special.
Both on the inside and the outside.
That’s why, when it comes to choosing something for your look, you should think…
Do I prefer to stand out or better go unnoticed?
I am a Libra. The symbol is the scale. Maybe that’s why I always seek balance.
Even when choosing accessories, I go for moderate terms. Not too big, not too small.
And you? Are you like me or do you feel comfortable with large-sized accessories?
You might even not wear anything because you’re not into accessories…
Well, that’s how it is:
What you wear defines you, it tells a lot about you
When you’re going to choose a piece of clothing or any fashion accessory, whether it’s a bag, a necklace, earrings, or bracelets, you’re going to fall in love with something at first sight. I’m sure of it.
Look at all the things we have in our store, but there’s always something that catches your attention more than the rest!
And since what we have is ART, it’s very easy for you to feel love at first sight 💘
Today, I’m going to show you three earring options based on their size…
All three made of natural materials, as we love at Ohana Marbella:
The large one in iraca fiber and the small one in totumo, both from Colombia 🇨🇴
The medium one in golden grass, from Brazil 🇧🇷
If you felt a connection, remember that as a subscriber, you have a 10% discount with the code OHANANEWS10.
Teresa 🌺
P.S.: I have the Atalaia earrings, and I wear them a lot 😊
P.S.2: In the field of self-knowledge, lately I’ve been learning a lot about a tool called the Enneagram. I’ll tell you more about it another day.
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